Almond is an indigenous Middle Eastern tree, but it has been planted for centuries in Europe and the United States. The site of its planting in Iran is in mountainous regions such as Isfahan, LORESTAN, and CAHAR MAHAL -BAKHTIARI and ... Generally almond trees are divided into two types, Trees with sweet almonds and trees with bitter almonds
.Almond, due to its high levels of potassium and magnesium, compensates for body weakness and can help reduce blood vessel tension and regulate blood pressure in the body.
Almonds contain zinc, selenium and vitamin E, which are important for sexual health and reproduction. Selenium can help infertility treatment. Zinc is a mineral that helps to produce male sex hormones and can increase libido in men.
Unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants are two excellent compounds in almonds that are useful for heart health and prevent heart attack. Almonds also contain Arginine, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Calcium and Potassium, all of which are useful for heart health and reduce bad cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
Almond is rich in vitamins E, B, and minerals of magnesium and zinc, which helps to improve the growth and luminosity of the hair.
Almond improves gastrointestinal function and alleviates acidity and makes the PH of the blood level, which is vital for better digestion and immune system.
Nutrients in almonds help regulate digestive enzymes. The probiotic in almonds improves the digestion, detoxification and proliferation of healthy intestinal bacteria and strengthens the digestive system.People who use almonds in their daily diet use fewer carbohydrates than others. Also, vitamins and fiber contained in almonds also normalize metabolism, which leads to weight loss.
Almond is known as one of the best foods available for the brain. Riboflavin and L-Carnitine and vitamin E and fatty acids in almonds have a positive effect on neuronal activity and prevent brain deterioration.
Almond consumption helps control blood sugar and reduces resistance to insulin. Also, by reducing weight, treating inflammation and reducing the negative effects of oxidative stress, it is indirectly effective in the treatment of diabetes.
Almond consumption reduces the damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress and prevents the occurrence of various cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer.
Almonds are rich in minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus, which are critical to the maintenance of the health of teeth and bones. Almond prevents dental caries and osteoporosis and reduces the risk of bone fractures.
Manganese, copper and riboflavin in almonds contribute to energy production and improve the metabolism of the body. If you feel tired or lacking in energy, you can soak 10 almonds in the water every night and eat it every morning.
Almonds are rich in fiber and, like other fiber foods, can prevent constipation. Of course, it is necessary to drink a significant amount of water after the use of almonds, so that the absorption process can occur more quickly. You do not need to eat a lot of almonds every day, eating 10 almonds is enough to make a better digestion and regular bowel movement. People with kidney disease or gallbladder problems should not eat almonds.
Almond has folic acid, which is essential for the health of pregnant women, and in addition helps reduce the birth defects of the fetus, as well as almonds to grow healthy cells in the fetus.
Because almond milk is not part of dairy products, is a very good alternative for vegetarians. Those who suffer from excessive gas problems during digestion of soy milk can also drink almond milk without any problems. The base of almond milk is, as its name suggests, almonds. Generally, they mix almonds and water in a mixer, and after that the almond nectar was completely separated from almond, the extract passes through the filter. Almond milk can also be stored outside the refrigerator, because it is not considered dairy products
You can make" almond slices" from almond or buy it from the store and use them to cook, cakes and rice or soups.
In addition to topical use of sweet almond oil, it also has an oral intake and can be used to prepare salads and cooking. Sweet almond oil is rich in vitamin E and is the best source of magnesium, potassium and copper. It is also rich in antioxidants, it boosts memory. In addition, it can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Almond oil has been used for centuries for the skin's softness and for the healing of wounds and surface cuts. Almond oil, in addition to softening the skin, also has the ability to improve and match the color of the skin. This oil is a great emulsion that helps to hydrate the skin and returns the lost moisture. Due to the presence of vitamin A and anti-bacterial properties, this oil also has the ability to treat acne and boils. Reduces the symptoms of aging and helps reduce scarring. This nourishing oil can make your hair stronger and softer, and because it is rich in vitamin B7 or biotin, it provides the health of hair and nails. It also protects the hair against harmful sun rays because it naturally contains SPF 5.
According to clinical trials conducted on individuals, the daily consumption of 15 almonds can be a reliable response to all the medical properties of almonds.
Almond is harvested in Iran, from the middle of August through to the end of September.
Almonds can be stored in sealed packages in a cool place up to 2years. You can keep them longer by refrigerating them.
The Smile fruit Company is packaging and exporting almonds of exceptional quality and great taste all through Iran. The almonds exports are made with high regards to all safety, health and transportation regulations defined by the competent Iranian institutions. Almonds are put normally in 10 kg bulk packages but we are ready to design and prepare special packages by order.